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Week 25

New Feature – Copy A/B Test Email Campaigns

We are excited to introduce a new feature that enhances your A/B testing capabilities. You can now easily copy your A/B test email campaigns, providing greater flexibility and efficiency in your marketing efforts. 

Key Features:

  • Copy A/B Test Campaigns: Quickly duplicate your existing A/B test campaigns to save time and streamline your workflow.
  • Select Specific Versions: Choose which version of the A/B test you want to copy, including the option to copy the winning version. This allows you to easily reuse and optimize successful campaigns.

How It Works:

  1. Navigate to your campaigns list: In your campaign dashboard, find the A/B test campaign you wish to copy.
  2. Select the Copy Option: Click on the copy icon next to your desired A/B test campaign.
  3. Choose the Version: A dialog will appear, allowing you to select which version (A, B, or the winning version) you want to copy.
  4. Edit and Launch: Make any necessary edits to your copied campaign and launch it to your audience.

This new feature aims to enhance your marketing automation experience by making it easier to replicate and build upon your successful email campaigns.

We hope you enjoy this new addition to our platform and look forward to seeing how it helps you achieve even greater marketing success.

Best regards, 

Filip Gerhamn 

Head of Product, Rule Communication

Week 24

Automatic Tagging upon Completion of Automation Flows

We are happy to introduce a powerful new feature in Rule: the ability to add tags automatically when an automation flow is finished. This enhancement ensures a seamless transition and initiation of subsequent automations, making your marketing efforts even more efficient and effective.


How It Works:

Automatic Tagging: You can now designate tags to be applied automatically upon the completion of specific automation flows. For instance, once a subscriber completes an onboarding flow, a tag such as "Onboarding_Completed" can be applied. This tag can then serve as a trigger for initiating follow-up automation flows, enabling a seamless continuation of your marketing efforts.

Efficient Campaign Management: By utilizing automatic tagging, you can effortlessly transition subscribers from one automation flow to the next. This feature streamlines your campaign management, ensuring that subscribers receive timely and relevant content based on their engagement and interactions.

Why It Matters:

Enhanced Customer Experience: With automatic tagging, you can deliver personalized recommendations and special offers to subscribers as soon as they complete an initial automation flow. This ensures that your audience receives content that is both timely and relevant, significantly enhancing their overall experience and engagement with your brand.

Increased Efficiency: Automating the tagging process saves you time and reduces the potential for manual errors. It allows your marketing team to focus on creating high-quality content and strategizing for future campaigns, rather than managing transitions between automation flows.

What’s Next?

Ready to Get Started? The new automatic tagging feature is now live and ready for you to implement! To start using this feature, simply go to your automation settings and designate the tags you want to be applied upon the completion of specific flows. Leverage this tool to ensure your subscribers are continuously engaged with relevant content tailored to their interests.

We are confident that this new feature will significantly enhance your marketing automation capabilities, providing a more streamlined and effective way to manage your campaigns.

Best regards, 

Filip Gerhamn 

Head of Product, Rule Communication

Week 22

Transactional Automations

We are excited to announce a powerful new feature in Rule: Transactional Automations. This update ensures that your crucial transactional communications are always delivered, even to members who have opted out of receiving other emails. Here’s everything you need to know:

How It Works:

Set as Transactions: Within Rule, you can now mark specific automations, such as order confirmations, contract changes, and other transactional messages, as "Transactions". This enchantment ensures that these vital emails are always sent, regardless of the recipient's subscription status.

Guaranteed Delivery: By marking these automations as transactions, you comply with legal requirements to ensure that essential communications, like order confirmations, reach your customers without fail. This feature is especially crucial for maintaining clear and consistent communication during the customer purchase process.

Why It Matters

Legal Compliance: Ensuring that transactional emails are always delivered helps you comply with laws and regulations regarding customer communications. This means your customers will always receive important information about their transactions, maintaining trust and satisfaction.

Improved Customer Experience: With guaranteed delivery of transactional emails, your customers will always be informed about their orders and any contract changes. This reliability enhances their overall experience and confidence in your services.

What’s Next?

Ready to Get Started? The new Transactional Automations feature is now live and ready for you to apply! Ensure that your transactional emails and other essential communications are always delivered. Just go to your automations and select type Transactional or Marketing. Marketing automations is for all your other automations.

Best regards,

Filip Gerhamn

Head of Product, Rule Communication


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