Campaigns & SMS
- How do I add a countdown?
- Switch - change selected parts of your mailing
- A/B-test in Rule
- Get started with SMS
- Your first campaign
- What does bouncing mean?
- What font and image format are accepted in Rule?
- How do I get my image URL?
- If I remove an image from the image bank, will it affect newsletters that have that image?
- Why do images become uneven in height when importing images from a website
- What does ALT-text mean?
- Why are some characters not displayed in SMS sender?
- Calculate the number of characters in an SMS
- Custom card links in SMS
- How do I add a custom field in SMS?
- Can I send a preview in SMS?
- How do links work in SMS?
- How do I link text and image in my newsletters?
- How do I change the color of links?
- How do I schedule a newsletter?
- How do I attach files/documents in a newsletter?
- What is 'Text version' in the box below in campaign creation?
- Create custom buttons in campaigns
- What does 'Advanced settings' mean?
- How do I send a preview of my campaigns?
- Can I send a campaign to only one segment?
- How do I add a custom field in a newsletter?
- How to use the campaign editor with Super Template
- Where can I see those who have unsubscribed?
- How do I copy a campaign?
- Sender information does not match, what has happened?
- Why does the campaign look strange when I forward it?
- Why should one have the 'Open email in browser' function?
- How does the Image Bank work?
- API Email Campaigns
- Export of campaign statistics
- Why does it look like a subscriber has opened an email multiple times?
- How can I see if a subscriber has received a campaign?
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Gmail Promotions Tab
- Accessibility in your campaigns
- Rule Editor 2024
- What Happens After You Send an Email in Rule?
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